Tag Archives: categories

New categories

As I am reaching a higher number in age, I shall refrain from calling it “getting older” as it makes me sound like I am ready to become dowdy or mature or something, which isn’t going to happen… I digress, sorry – I have noticed that my thoughts are becoming more and more abstract and I believe it has everything to do with the bizarre dreams I have been getting at nights these days – very disturbing in fact!

This is why I have decided to create two new categories for my blog and they are called “Dreams” and “Abstract Thoughts”.

So you’ll see stuff popping up for those new categories shortly.

Thanks for reading! 

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Filed under About my work

Updated my categories

I finally found out how to move things into different categories here on WordPress

My website should look a little different now and more tidy even if half the categories have disappeared, nothing except for about 11 posts have been deleted, I deleted those accidentally whilst learning how to change things around!

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Filed under About my work

Two new categories

The previous post explained a bit about my life and how controlling people in my life were and that I am now on a journey of self-discovery and learning what defines me.  I have decided to create a new category for this, to make it easier for people to see my progress and development on a more personal level.

I have also decided that it would be interesting to share a diary of my life and how I view major events in the world around me and what my observations have been.  I feel that the art of the diarist is almost dead, I don’t know any contemporary diarist out there, it seems to have become a thing of the past and that is sad; so I have made a diary category too.

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Filed under About my work

More subjects in the blog

Time to expand this blog a bit; there will be new categories and tabs for you to choose from within the next few days, they will include;

A page about my experiences with Cosmic Ordering

Game reviews

A rant page for me to let off steam and see if my fellow readers also suffer the fools I do

Art, my own, my friends, and those that inspire me

Alternative lifestyles, a page about witches, vampires, Goths and the BDSM community and much more

My pet’s page, where I will update about the lives of my many pets as sometimes they inspire me

Contests I’ve entered

Health update as I am often sick

Daily Pages dedicated to the work of Julia Cameron, the author of the artist way

Food and places to eat reviews

And last but not least, recipes

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Filed under About my work